Awkarin Mendadak Tinggalkan Akun Instagram dengan Jutaan Followers, Pensiun Jadi Selebgram?

Reporter : Yoyok
Selasa, 21 Juni 2022 16:32
Awkarin Mendadak Tinggalkan Akun Instagram dengan Jutaan Followers, Pensiun Jadi Selebgram?
Akun Instagram Awkarin telah memiliki 7,9 juta followers.

Karin Novilda atau yang lebih akrab di sapa Awkarin dikenal sebagai salah satu selebgram terkenal Indonesia. Followers Awkarin di media sosial berbasis foto dan video tersebut mencapai 7,9 juta lho.

Tidak heran jika Awkarin menjadi selebgram terkenal dan memanfaatkannya untuk untuk mencari keuntungan. Namun, ada berita mengagetkan dari Awkarin perihal akun Instagram-nya.

Awkarin tiba-tiba meninggalkan akun Instagram-nya tersebut.

1 dari 5 halaman

Hal ini terlihat dalam postingan terakhir Awkarin di akun Instagram-nya.

Postingan Awkarin © Diadona

2 dari 5 halaman

Berikut ini adalah caption dari postingan Awkarin tersebut:

It’s been 11 years since I first signed up to this platform. For those who’s been following my journey, you might find yourself asking, “ Who is Awkarin without Instagram?”

It’s 2022 and I have lost my own Instagram account. Most of you probably would think that I’ve hit rock bottom, but I’ve always been prepared for the worst scenarios.

Be so dependent on something and watch yourself be afraid to lose it, no matter how good or bad it is. Not gonna deny that Instagram was a HUGE part of my life and who you all see me to be. But in reality, who you see me as through your phones, isn’t even half of who I am in reality.

I’ve been through so much in my life and everyone of you had front row seats watching it all happen. Both the happy and sad times, in a way you guys were a part of it, and I couldn’t be more blessed.

I also learned that life isn’t really about “ numbers” or “ engagements” in a digital universe, but rather how you can actually influence real people through real-world situations. Losing a social media account shouldn’t mean the end of the world for anyone.

To those who were wondering, I appreciate every single one of you. But as of today, I am fine, I am happy, and I am content, and still living my best life. And for that, I think I owe myself a fresh start.

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Awkarin pun tampaknya meninggalkan nama " Awkarin" dan beralih ke Karin Novilda.

Say goodbye to Awkarin, and say hello to Karin Novilda.

I will no longer use this account as my personal account and I will no longer accept any paid promotes and business inquiries through this account. But every contracts and work deal that has been made with this account will be done as the way we signed it.

Thank you for being here with me from the start, you guys are the best.

With love,
Karin Novilda. @narinkovilda

4 dari 5 halaman

Akun terbaru Awkarin yang bernama @narinkovilda, kini bahkan telah memiliki ratusan ribu followers lho.

Karin Novilda © Diadona

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